Make Your Own 'Pest Away Spray': A DIY Bug Repellent Recipe

Hey friends, who's ready to give pesky insects the boot without bathing in chemicals? Let me show you how to shake up some of your own "Pest Away Spray"—a natural bug repellent that's as easy on your skin as it is on Mother Earth. It smells great, and trust me, bugs hate it! Let's get mixing:

What You'll Need:

  • 2 oz of distilled water
  • 2 oz witch hazel (this helps blend the water and oil)
  • 4 drops of geranium essential oil
  • 4 drops of lemongrass essential oil
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 6 drops of citronella essential oil

Gather Materials:

  • A 4oz spray bottle
  • A small funnel
  • A cup with a spout (makes it easier to pour)

Here's How:

  1. Start the Mix: Grab your spray bottle and add the distilled water and witch hazel.

  2. Oils Incoming: Next, drop in the essential oils.

  3. Shake It Up: Stir it around or shake it up in the bottle. Just make sure everything gets to know each other well.

  4. Label Station: Slap a label on that bottle and use within 1 year.

How to use your magic potion:

  • Spray Away: Shoot some of this mix onto your skin before you become a bug buffet, and spread it around. Eyes and mouth are no-go zones.

  • Apply Regularly: It's all-natural, which means you might need to top up every once in a while.

  • Everyone Join In: It's usually cool for kiddos and pets, but double-check with a doctor or vet if you're unsure.

  • Keep It Cool: When you’re not using it, store your spray in a chill spot away from light.

Boom! You're set with "Pest Away Spray," ready to reclaim the outdoors. Whether you're hiking, BBQing, or just lounging around, those uninvited insect guests won't be crashing your party.

Let's chat in the comments – I wanna know how it goes when you try it out, or drop a line if you've got your own secret ingredients for bug-busting spray!

Interested in purchasing a bottle? Check it out in the shop here.

- Krissy

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